We're excited to have you on our team!

Once you've finished the hiring process, you'll enroll in a training course during your first semester of mentoring. Because our training doesn't just happen in the classroom...it happens on the job, as well.

Learning by doing – it’s what we’re all about.

As with any job, there will plenty of documents to read and forms to complete before you are able to begin working. However, new mentors are also expected to sign up for the Seminar in Academic Mentoring, a one-credit training course more commonly referred to as SAM (GeSt 275).

The objective of SAM is to guide you, as first-time academic mentors, in developing general pedagogical knowledge of group dynamics, leadership, and facilitation, as well as effective communication skills. Over the course of the semester, you will learn about the theoretical rationale of the Academic Mentoring model, along with strategies to facilitate a student-centered session that, rather than presenting a prescriptive model, guides students to discover the solution themselves. In the process, we hope you will develop skills and strategies that will be useful to you in your professional development as a whole, not just from an academic mentoring standpoint.



I was offered and have accepted a mentoring position. Is there anything I need to do to complete the hiring process?

Quite a few things, actually.

  1. You will need to complete and return all forms that your supervisor sends to you.
    • This will include reading and signing a Mentor Agreement form, by which you acknowledge that you understand the expectations and responsibilities of the position.
  2. We will submit a hiring ticket to Shared Business Services (SBS) on your behalf. SBS will then reach out to you with more forms to complete:
    • Personal Information Form (PIF)
    • State and federal W-4s
    • I-9
  3. SBS will also provide instructions for other onboarding requirements, including a required meeting with HR to complete your I-9 submission and review other required onboarding activities. You will need to bring appropriate documentation for on-boarding to this meeting; SBS will notify you about specifics.
  4. Your supervisor will reach out to you with any additional steps you need to take, so be sure to check your email and voicemail regularly.
  5. Finally, you will need to be sure to enroll in the SAM training course (your supervisor will specify which section). New RPMs and PLTL leaders will also be expected to enroll in Practical Applications of Academic Mentoring (PAM).
What kinds of topics are covered in the SAM course?

Here are some of the topics that might be covered:

  • Communication and boundary setting
  • Assessing needs
  • Growth mindset
  • Inclusive mentoring
  • Active learning, memory, and metacognition
  • Session dynamics and facilitation strategies
  • Reflection as learning
How heavy is the workload for the SAM course?

SAM is a one-credit course, and is treated as such by the instructors. Of course, there will be assignments throughout the semester – discussion posts, peer observation, a reflection paper, and a final project – but these will not be too time intensive.

The most important part of the course, however, are the weekly meetings. There, you and your fellow mentors will discuss that week’s topic, reflecting on and troubleshooting your ongoing mentoring experiences in a collaborative, community-building environment.

What is PAM, and how does it relate to SAM?

Practical Applications of Academic Mentoring, or PAM (GeSt 250/251), is another course for Learning Center mentors and peer leaders. In PAM, mentors have the opportunity to prepare materials for the upcoming sessions, get course-specific and general facilitation support, and build and maintain relationships with their fellow mentors.

Currently, all PLTL leaders and Chem RPMs are expected to enroll in PAM every semester, while Calc RPMs only enroll during their first semester.

Why are there 2 different PAM courses, one for 2 credits and the other for 1 credit?

The one-credit option gives mentors who are nearly at the 21-credit/semester maximum the opportunity to receive credit for taking the course. If this is not your situation, be sure to enroll in the 2 credit version.

Why are there so many sections of SAM and PAM? Which one should I enroll in?

Each section of SAM and PAM is dedicated to a specific program or course. For instance, all new Matched and Drop-in Academic Mentors enroll in one of three sections, while all new Chemistry PLTL leaders enroll in another. So be sure to confirm with your supervisor which section you should enroll in!