Shaking the Procrastination Habit Explore why you procrastinate, learn about motivation, and develop an action plan to achieve your... Academic Skills ResourcesProcrastination/Motivation
Final Game Plan: How to Create a Study Schedule Learn how to stay organized and incorporate wellness into your routine as you prepare for... Academic Skills ResourcesProcrastination/MotivationStudy Strategies
iWaited: Catching and Crushing Your Procrastination Understand your procrastination and learn how to "crush" it with these tips from one of... Academic Skills ResourcesProcrastination/Motivation
Persistence Apps Lists several apps that can help students increase their persistence and avoid the temptation to... Academic Skills ResourcesProcrastination/Motivation
How to Reduce Procrastination Outlines several strategies to help students reduce their procrastination in order to meet deadlines and... Academic Skills ResourcesProcrastination/Motivation
How to Increase Persistence Offers strategies for overcoming procrastination by increasing grit, setting goals, and finding motivation. Academic Skills ResourcesProcrastination/Motivation
10.30.2410.30.24 Finals Prep Workshops – Wednesday 11/20 & Thursday 11/21 Andrew Collings AnnouncementsEvents
10.30.2411.4.24 Learning Center Employment Meet & Greet: Wednesday 11/20 and Thursday 11/21 Andrew Collings AnnouncementsEvents