
Note Taking Apps

How this resource helps:

Lists several apps that can help students write and organize their notes more effectively.

Some of our mentors and mentees have shared their favorite apps for note-taking. The list below is not exhaustive, but it’s a great starting point!

Evernote (Web application, Mac, Windows, iOS, Android)

  • Designed for note-taking, organizing, task management, and archiving.
  • Create searchable notes, notebooks, and to-do lists with deadlines and reminders.
  • Can connect to Google Calendar.
  • Automatically syncs notes across devices.

Google Keep (Web application, iOS, Android)

  • Included as part of the free Google Docs Editors suite.
  • Quickly create notes in multiple formats, including text, images, and drawings.
  • Color code and organize notes.
  • Share notes with others and collaborate in real time.
  • Automatically syncs notes across devices and platforms.

Simplenote (Web Application, Mac, Windows, Linux, iOS, Android)

  • Backs up notes with every change, for extra peace of mind.
  • Add tags to find notes quickly with instant searching.
  • Share or publish content online.
  • Automatically syncs notes across devices and platforms.

Do you have a favorite note-taking app that isn’t listed here? Send us an email at so we can add it to the list!

Last updated: December 2021