Faculty Workshops
Hands-on, evidence-based workshops on effective teaching practices for faculty.
Want to Connect?
The Center for Teaching and Learning offers regular workshops and virtual conversations open to Washington University faculty and staff with teaching responsibilities. These workshops feature interactive discussions of research on teaching and learning, as well as best practices for refining teaching methods to improve student learning and engagement. Participation in these workshops provides opportunities to learn about evidence-based teaching and to engage in lively discussions on effective pedagogy with colleagues from across the disciplines.
Recent Workshop Topics Include
- Facilitating Challenging Conversations in the Classroom
- Fostering Student Self-Efficacy in the Classroom
- Introduction to Universal Design for Learning
- Engaging Students as Partners in Learning
- Fostering Engaging Discussions
Departmental or School-Specific Workshops
In addition to the workshops provided to all faculty at WashU, The Center for Teaching and Learning is happy to work with departments to develop an event for that meets the teaching and learning needs of a specific audience. For information or to discuss such an event, please contact Dr. Eric Fournier.