AI Tools: NotebookLM

  • Tech Training
via Zoom
Event For:
  • Faculty, Grad Students, Postdocs

This workshop has reached capacity, but another session has been added on Feb. 7th from 12:00-1:00 PM.  Join us for a Zoom workshop series designed to help instructors explore the possible uses of AI tools beyond ChatGPT. Each hour-long workshop will provide an overview of a specific AI tool and […]

A Mindful Approach to Teaching with Joy

  • Teaching with Joy
McDonnell 362
Event For:
  • Faculty, Grad Students, Postdocs

In this interactive session, Lorien Carter (Brown School) will provide a set of mindfulness techniques designed to reduce stress and enhance emotional resilience and joy. We'll also explore barriers to and opportunities for integrating mindfulness into our teaching, with the goal of leaving with concrete ideas for creating mindful learning […]

Writing a Teaching Philosophy Statement

  • Job Market Workshop
via Zoom
Event For:
  • Grad Students, Postdocs

If you are applying for an academic position, it is likely that you will be asked to submit a teaching philosophy statement during the application process. Participants in this Job Market series workshop will learn about why academic search committees request teaching materials such as the teaching philosophy statement and […]

Preparing and Delivering a Teaching Demo

  • Job Market Workshop
Danforth Campus
Event For:
  • Grad Students, Postdocs

A campus visit invitation from a search committee is welcome news, but it often comes with a challenging request for a “teaching talk” or “teaching demo.” In this workshop, participants will discuss what makes an effective teaching demonstration that is aligned with other teaching-related job market materials. Participants will learn […]

Teaching in Office Hours and Review Sessions

  • Foundations in Teaching
via Zoom
Event For:
  • Grad Students, Postdocs

Participants in this workshop will learn how to anticipate and address the unique challenges that can arise when teaching in review sessions and office hours. Topics include designing an effective structure for review sessions and office hours, helping students learn to think and to work independently, and responding appropriately to […]

Teaching in Office Hours and Review Sessions

  • Foundations in Teaching
via Zoom
Event For:
  • Grad Students, Postdocs

Participants in this workshop will learn how to anticipate and address the unique challenges that can arise when teaching in review sessions and office hours. Topics include designing an effective structure for review sessions and office hours, helping students learn to think and to work independently, and responding appropriately to […]

Teaching in Office Hours and Review Sessions

  • Foundations in Teaching
via Zoom
Event For:
  • Grad Students, Postdocs

Participants in this workshop will learn how to anticipate and address the unique challenges that can arise when teaching in review sessions and office hours. Topics include designing an effective structure for review sessions and office hours, helping students learn to think and to work independently, and responding appropriately to […]

AI Tools: NotebookLM (Second Session)

  • Tech Training
via Zoom
Event For:
  • Faculty, Grad Students, Postdocs

Join us for a Zoom workshop series designed to help instructors explore the possible uses of AI tools beyond ChatGPT. Each hour-long workshop will provide an overview of a specific AI tool and showcase creative ways to use the tool to enhance teaching and learning activities. Workshop participants will be […]

NEW DATE! Lunch & Learn: Engaging Students with Social Annotation

  • Tech Training
DUC 240 6475 Forsyth, St. Louis
Event For:
  • Faculty, Grad Students, Postdocs

New Date! (Feb. 21st)  Join us for an in-person workshop on using! You’ll learn strategies to help students read carefully and deeply, brainstorm assignment and activity ideas, and leave with creative ways to make syllabus day more interactive. This session will provide hands-on guidance for creating assignments and annotations […]

Motivating Student Learners

  • Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences
  • STEM Pedagogies Workshop
via Zoom
Event For:
  • Grad Students, Postdocs

Students who are motivated learn more and learn better than those whose interests, attention, and self-esteem lag during the semester. In this workshop, we'll examine the various factors which shape student motivation in the classroom. We'll then consider potential strategies for motivating students to stay engaged throughout the term and […]

Writing a Teaching Philosophy Statement

  • Job Market Workshop
via Zoom
Event For:
  • Grad Students, Postdocs

If you are applying for an academic position, it is likely that you will be asked to submit a teaching philosophy statement during the application process. Participants in this Job Market series workshop will learn about why academic search committees request teaching materials such as the teaching philosophy statement and […]

Writing a Teaching Philosophy Statement

  • Job Market Workshop
via Zoom
Event For:
  • Grad Students, Postdocs

Participants in this workshop will learn how to anticipate and address the unique challenges that can arise when teaching in review sessions and office hours presents unique challenges. Topics include designing an effective structure for review sessions and office hours, helping students learn to think and to work independently, and […]

Writing a Teaching Philosophy Statement

  • Job Market Workshop
via Zoom
Event For:
  • Grad Students, Postdocs

If you are applying for an academic position, it is likely that you will be asked to submit a teaching philosophy statement during the application process. Participants in this Job Market series workshop will learn about why academic search committees request teaching materials such as the teaching philosophy statement and […]