4 grad students discussing teaching at a table


Graduate Student Mentored Teaching Orientation


Teaching Orientation for new graduate students at WashU.

Want to Connect?

Contact me

Denise Leonard, PhD

Associate Director for Graduate Student and Postdoc Programs

(314) 935-6142


Before their first mentored teaching experience (MTE), graduate students will take part in the annual Graduate Student Mentored Teaching Orientation facilitated by the Center for Teaching and Learning and co-sponsored by the Graduate School and the Division of Biology & Biomedical Sciences.

Graduate Student Mentored Teaching Orientation is an interactive, day-long event that takes place in the weeks before each fall semester. At this event, graduate students will participate in large group discussions as well as a Center for Teaching and Learning Foundations in Teaching (FIT) workshop of their choice. Overall, they’ll:

  • Become familiar with policies and resources related to FERPA, Title IX, student wellness, emergency preparedness, and more.
  • Learn about effective approaches for creating and maintaining a fair and inclusive learning environment.
  • Discover evidence-based teaching strategies on topics central to those engaging in MTEs like: establishing classroom authority, providing feedback to students, and increasing student participation.
  • Hear from graduate students who have completed MTEs in their disciplines and gain insights into the nuances of participating in an MTE in particular departments.

In addition to in-person Orientation, there are a number of digital resources available to support graduate student assistants in instruction.

Graduate students should consult with their department administrators to find out when it is appropriate for them to participate in Graduate Student Teaching Orientation.