
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) Seminar


Semester-long course for grad students and postdocs to explore the process of creating SoTL research.

Have questions?

Contact me today!

Rick Moore, PhD

Associate Director for Faculty Programming

(314) 935-9171


The Introduction to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) seminar is designed to support graduate students and postdocs who are interested in deepening their involvement in and understanding of educational research. This seminar is taught by Center for Teaching and Learning staff every Spring semester. Half of the seminar meetings are synchronous (online or in person) and half of the meetings involve asynchronous activities and discussions on Canvas.

Public Health Sciences PhD student and SoTL Seminar alumnus

Akilah Collins-Anderson

“I found the SoTL seminar very hands-on and thought-provoking. While there is a lot of content to cover, the pacing of the seminar was manageable, and the instructors did an exceptional job...At the end of each session, I was left inspired and feeling more confident about the direction of my own SoTL research area.”

In this seminar, students are introduced to the fundamentals of SoTL through reading current literature, participating in online discussion boards, engaging in classroom discussion, and active learning experiences. Students will gain knowledge of, and experience in, the various stages of conducting a SoTL project including the initial articulation of a classroom-based research question, determination of the appropriate research methods to answer this question, ethical considerations that are relevant to conducting classroom research, considerations of potential outcomes of the proposed study, and sharing results.  This seminar culminates in a written project proposal and oral presentation to the members of the seminar and invited guests as well as a poster presentation at the annual Center for Teaching and Learning Recognition Reception. Through this seminar students gain an understanding of the field of SoTL and reflect on ways that SoTL can be incorporated into their future teaching experiences as faculty.


Earth and Planetary Sciences PhD student and SoTL Seminar alumnus

Greg Ledingham

"One of the most helpful aspects of this class was learning how to frame and conduct a study aimed at evaluating the effectiveness of a teaching practice. It is surprisingly difficult to both come up with a good question and to develop appropriate methods to test the research question. This class will give you the tools to do both."

The Introduction to SoTL course is a component of the Practitioner level of the Center for Teaching and Learning’s Professional Development in Teaching Program. Graduate students and postdocs are eligible to take this seminar if they have attended 3 or more Advanced-level workshops offered by The Center for Teaching and Learning. It is also highly encouraged that interested graduate students and postdocs contact the seminar instructor, Rick Moore, before enrolling in the seminar.

For more information about the SoTL course, how to register, or to learn about conducting a SoTL project please contact Rick Moore at

Past SoTL Seminar Project Proposals

Spring 2023:

  • Investigating effective methods for teaching about neurodiversity and autism ethics to medical students, Sneha Chaturvedi, MSTP
  • Training Modules for Science Communication Assignments in Undergraduate Anthropology Courses, Jacqueline Garnett, Anthropology
  • “Tyson, Bonners-Lee, and Goodall walk into a bar…”: Academic conversation starters in a social annotation environment, Jayde Homer, Psychological & Brain Sciences
  • The Integration of Multimedia Assignments in a History Course, Chenxi Luo, History
  • Introducing Project ENABLE: a resource for Enriching Navajo as a Biology Language for Education, Sterling Martin, Postdoc, Biology
  • Exploring the impact of mentored research experiences on student perceptions of science careers, Megan Michie, Radiology
  • Equity Versus Equality: International Students in Public Health Courses with Writing Assignments, Nicole Strombom, Public Health Sciences 

Spring 2022:

  • Identifying Correlations Between activities in Two Course-Based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) with Specific Short-Term Student Outcomes, Kristen Edgeworth, Plant and Microbial Biosciences Program
  • American Studies in the Classroom: A Survey of the Undergraduate Introduction to American Studies Syllabus, Elizabeth Eikmann, Postdoc, American Culture Studies
  • The Impact of Course-Based Research Experiences in Ethology, Jake Funkhouser, Anthropology
  • Putting the Cart After the Horse: Group-First Two-Stage Exams as Learning Tools in Undergraduate Microeconomics, Andrew Gray, Postdoc, Olin Business School
  • Threshold Concepts in Computer Science, Yana Malysheva, Computer Science
  • Assessing the Experience of Students with Historically Excluded Identities in STEM During Qualifying Exams, Taylor Nye, Postdoc, Molecular Microbiology

Spring 2021:

  • Determining the Effect of Clear Presentation of Learning Objectives on Exam Anxiety of Inorganic Chemistry Students, Lara Braverman, Chemistry
  • Concept Maps as a Prewriting Tool to Improve Science Communication, Maria Cimpean, DBBS
  • Identifying the Blind Spots: Use of an Analysis Guide in a Public Health Course, Akilah Collins-Anderson, Public Health
  • The Effect of Peer Interaction in Calculus II, Adeli Hutton, Mathematics and Statistics
  • Formative Assessment and the Teaching of Psychomotor Skills, Jeff Konrad, Movement Science (Physical Therapy)
  • Say What? Ideas about Communicative Competence in the College Language-Learning Classroom, Allison Korinek, Postdoc, Interdisciplinary Project in the Humanities
  • Simulation of Lead Solubility in Lead Service Lines, Greg Ledingham, Earth and Planetary Sciences
  • ‘Embedding’ Research Methods Instruction in a Political Science Discussion Course, Jordan McAllister, Political Science
  • Increasing College Students’ Use of Retrieval Practice with a Writing Assignment, Oyku Uner, Psychological and Brain Sciences

Spring 2020:

  • Assessing the Impacts of Prior Exposure in CSE 417T: Introduction to Machine Learning, Henry Chai, Computer Science and Engineering
  • Fostering Scientific Creativity: A Module for Use in Upper-Level STEM Courses, Andrea Goltz, Earth and Planetary Sciences
  • The Impact of Partial Notes in Geosciences: When Less in More, Kaushik Mitra, Earth and Planetary Sciences
  • Lean Synchronization in Teaching: Evidence from a Venture Capital (VC) Methods Class, Kingsley Wabara, Business

Spring 2019:

  • Replacing Periodic Summative Assessment with Continuous Formative Assessment, Maximilian Lyon, DBBS
  • Writing a Research Article in an Introductory Political Science Course, William O’Brochta, Political Science
  • Using a Sustained Reflective Practice to Connect Student Learning Objectives to Course Content in Graduate-Level Biomedical Engineering Education, Julie Speer, Biomedical Engineering
  • Effect of Active Learning Tools in Introductory Anatomy and Physiology, Lisa McLellan, DBBS
  • The Effect of Undergraduate Chemical Engineering Capstone Team Roles on Student Perceptions of Team Success and Dynamics, Eugene Kim, Energy, Environmental, and Chemical Engineering