Teaching Resources

Creative Assignment Development Tools

Resource Overview

An overview of tools for creative assignment development.


Description: Glogster is a multimedia interactive poster (Glog) creation app. It allows users to combine images, graphics, audio, video, links, and text into a digital canvas. Glogs are an alternative to a more traditional PowerPoint presentation or report. They are interactive for viewers and are designed to keep those who are viewing engaged. Additionally, instructors could use a Glog as part of a flipped lecture or content on a Canvas page.
What kinds of learning goals could it support: Compare, Communicate, Compose, Describe, Diagram, Evaluate, Explain, Present, Report, Summarize, Synthesize
Cost: Users must sign in with a Google account. The basic account is free, this includes a set of 30 student “slots” and one instructor slot. Paid subscriptions include various options for including more students (e.g. a “Faculty” subscription, which is $390 per year, includes slots for 250 students).
Canvas Integration Potential: Glogs can be shared via URL links within a Canvas module, Canvas page, Canvas discussion board post, or through the Canvas assignment tool. No formal integration with Canvas Gradebook.
Additional Resources: Instructional video

Google Tour Creator

Description: Allows the users to create immersive, 360-degree tours. Tour creators can use their own 360-degree photos, or find one in Google Street View, highlight points of interest that viewers can explore, and add rich 2D images so that viewers can examine points of interest with more detail. Videos are shared via link. Instructors or students could create virtual field trips, chart the path of a historical figure, movement, or virus, highlight the movement of a character in a novel, describe a particular location in detail, and more.
What kinds of learning goals could it support: Compose, Construct, Describe, Design, Discover, Explain, Identify, Label, Organize
Cost: Free, though users must have to sign in via a Google account to make a tour. Video viewers do not need to be signed in to view tours shared with them via link.
Canvas Integration Potential: Google Drive can be integrated into Canvas fully, and tour videos are stored on Google Drive. Additionally, Users can also post tour links in modules, assignment uploads, or within discussion posts so that they could be graded in SpeedGrader.
Additional Resources: Introduction for classroom teachers
General instructional video


Description: Story maps is an app created by the Knight Lab at Northwestern that allows instructors and students to combine maps with narrative text, images, and multimedia content (YouTube videos, Tweets, Instagram Posts, etc.). In creating story maps, students integrate spatial thinking with storytelling to present information in a novel, engaging way. Students can create timelines, walk viewers through an in-depth look at an image or figure, or use a literal map to demonstrate how space and place help shape a narrative. Note that additionally, instructors can create story maps and embed them in Canvas as a recorded lecture.
What kinds of learning goals could it support: Arrange, Classify, Compose, Construct, Define, Demonstrate, Describe, Diagram, Locate, Order, Reconstruct
Cost: Free, though users must have a Google account
Canvas Integration Potential: Students and faculty can link to story maps that they’ve created within a Canvas course page, assignment, or discussion thread. Instructors could embed links to a story map within a module. No formal integration with Canvas Gradebook.
Additional Resources: Instructional video


Description: TextingStory is an app for iPhone and Android that allows users to write a text conversation, create a video from the story and share it. Users can make characters, add pictures, background images, and story title. Users have characters then text with each other. App could be a platform for students to demonstrate knowledge of a concept, historical person, or text; creatively integrate concepts into a narrative; or create “fan fiction.”
What kinds of learning goals could it support: Create, Compose, Construct, Debate, Depict, Design, Express, Illustrate, Interview, Invent, Model, Plan, Produce, Summarize, Transform, Write
Cost: Free for the basic version, though there are in-app purchases. Users must download either iPhone or Android app to use.
Canvas Integration Potential: Students could upload videos to a Canvas discussion forum post or within an Assignment in order to have it graded via SpeedGrader. No formal integration with Canvas Gradebook.
Additional Resources: Instructional video


Description: Twine allows users to create interactive, non-linear stories, such as choose-your-own-adventure or game-like storylines. Stories are built using basic HTML code embedded in several simple templates. Readers advance through the story in pages where they click on hypertext links and objects. Stories are published as HTML files that can be uploaded on any web hosting service or shared privately.  
What kinds of learning goals could it support: Create, Compose, Construct, Design, Explain, Express, Illustrate, Interact, Model, Plan, Produce, Relate, Summarize, Write
Free. Option to use in browser or download app
Canvas Integration Potential: 
Students could share Twine stories to a Canvas discussion forum post or within an Assignment in order to have it graded via SpeedGrader. No formal integration with Canvas Gradebook.
Additional Resources:
Twine Guide


Description: VoiceThread is a web-based, communication application that allows users to upload pictures, videos, documents, into online collections that look like slideshows. Once the content is added, users can provide voice and video commentary about work, ask questions and answer them, and engage in an ongoing conversation inside the presentation. Can be used to create tutorials or presentations, or to spark discussion. Students could be asked to view and comment on a VoiceThread or could be asked to create one of their own.
What kinds of learning goals could it support: Create, Communicate, Compose, Construct, Discuss, Examine, Explain, Interact, Interpret, Practice, Relate, Record, Respond, Teach
Cost: A single instructor license, which includes accounts for 1 instructor and up to 50 students, is $99 dollars for the year.
Canvas Integration Potential: Can be fully integrated as an LTI app in Canvas, integrates with Canvas Gradebook. This level of integration would allow you to grade VoiceThreads with SpeedGrader.
Additional Resources: General instructional video
Voicethread + Canvas integration video


Should you wish to set up a consultation to talk about pedagogical uses for these or other EdTech tools, please feel free to reach out to our Educational Development team through our consultation request form.

Using an EdTech tool that we haven’t profiled yet? Let us know through teachcen@wustl.edu and we can add a profile about it!