University-managed classrooms are equipped with touch-panel controls, projectors, cameras, microphones, PCs with DVD players, wireless internet, and laptop connections.  Cameras and microphones are connected to the room PC to facilitate streaming.  In addition, some rooms are equipped with other hardware including region-free DVD players, interactive smart boards, tossable wireless microphones, and wireless presentation capability.

Training on Classroom Multimedia Systems

The CTL provides individualized training for faculty and AIs on how to use the multimedia equipment in the classroom.  The CTL will work to schedule a time when the requesting faculty and specific classroom are available.

To schedule an appointment for training on the classroom multimedia, contact the CTL by phone at (314) 935-6810 or by email at

To schedule a consultation on best ways to integrate technology into your teaching, complete our consultation form.

Classroom Availability for Practice

We encourage faculty to visit their classrooms before the start of the semester and take an opportunity to practice using the equipment in the room.  Although most of our classrooms are unoccupied 1 to 2 weeks prior to the start of a semester, we highly recommend that you check with the Office of the University Registrar (OUR) to ensure availability of your classroom at your desired practice time.  You may contact the OUR by email at or by phone at (314) 935-5959.

Latest Multimedia Equipment

The CTL researches and pilots new technologies to determine efficacy for use in the classroom environment.  Most recently, we have added cameras and capture microphones to the majority of our rooms to facilitate lecture streaming and capture, and we have added Catchbox throwable microphones to our auditoriums to facilitate voice capture of students in our larger rooms.  We are also in the process of implementing wireless laptop presentation throughout our classrooms.

Frequently Asked Questions

Want to know what technology is available in your classroom?

Search for your room in the Classroom Directory.

Experiencing issues with equipment in the classroom?

Give us a call at (314) 935-6810 for immediate response, or email us at for non-urgent requests.

Looking for AV that is not already in your room?

Additional equipment is available on a per semester basis upon request, including:

  • Portable smart board
  • Interactive monitor
  • Region-free DVD player
  • Portable digital white board
  • Owl conference camera

You may request any of these items by filling out the AV Deliverable Request Form. Please provide at least 24 hours’ notice to ensure on-time delivery of the equipment

Need access to AV equipment in the locked instructor desk?

Instructors may request a cabinet key from their departmental administrative assistants or from the Office of the University Registrar, located in the Women’s Building, suite 10.