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  • Teaching with Joy

Exploring the Art of Improv in Our Teaching Practices


Dr. Denise Leonard, Associate Director for Graduate Student and Postdoc Programs, and Dr. Elina Salminen

  • 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
  • TBD

Event Description

Logo saying "Teaching with Joy"How can the art of improv support your teaching activities and bring more joy into the classroom? Traditional approaches to teaching in the college classroom can often be stilted and scripted. Yet, in order to respond to our students’ needs and draw them into the learning process deeply we need to be present, flexible, and responsive as instructors. Improv is a great theatrical tool to improve public speaking and listening skills as well as helping one think quickly on their feet. Improv skills also helps our students to build strong collaboration skills and encourages them to take risks in the classroom. In this workshop, we’ll explore how to incorporate improv principles into both our teaching and our students’ learning. Be prepared to try out simple, fun activities – zero acting skills or experience required!

For questions about this event, contact Elina Salminen.
