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  • Teaching with Joy

Science of Happiness: Joyful Teaching and Learning


Dr. Elina Salminen, Assistant Director for Educational Development, and Dr. Tim Bono

  • 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
  • January Hall 20

Event Description

Logo saying "Teaching with Joy"Many of us were inspired to teach at the university level because we enjoyed our own college coursework and wanted to emulate professors who brought joy to their work each day. Even the best teachers, however, can struggle to find happiness in their daily work, especially as the semester wears on. During this Teaching with Joy gathering, Tim Bono from Psychological & Brain Sciences offers perspectives from his course “The Science of Happiness,” with discussion centered on ways we can reignite a spark of joy in our personal and professional lives.

For questions about this event, contact Elina Salminen.

