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  • Faculty Reading Community

Spring 2025 Faculty Reading Community (FRC)


Rick Moore, Associate Director for Faculty Programming; Sabnam Ghosh, Lecturer, Asian American Studies; Younasse Tarbouni, Teaching Professor of Arabic

  • 12:00 pm - 12:50 pm
  • Danforth Campus

Event Description

Pedagogy of Kindness Book CoverJoin fellow faculty and CTL staff for sustained cross-disciplinary conversation on critical topics in teaching and learning.

The Faculty Reading Community discussions in Spring 2025 will involve chapters from Catherine J. Denial’s recently published book A Pedagogy of Kindness. Recognizing that academia is often not a kind place, Denial challenges us to think about what that means and argues for placing kindness (distinct from niceness) at the core of our teaching. What does it mean to be kind not only to our students but also ourselves? How can we at WashU incorporate kindness into our teaching while maintaining our high standards for student success?

Participants are required to attend 4 of 5 meetings. Faculty will receive a print copy of the book courtesy of the CTL. Seats are limited.

Meeting Mode: This semester’s faculty reading community will meet in person on the Danforth campus. 

Meetings will be from noon-12:50pm on the following Thursdays:
  • Jan 30: Introduction and Chapter 1: Kindness Towards Self
  • Feb 13: Chapter 2: Kindness and the Syllabus
  • Feb 27: Chapter 3: Kindness and Assessment
  • March 27: Chapter 4: Kindness in the Classroom, and the Conclusion
  • April 10: Wrap-up

The reading community will be co-facilitated by Rick Moore, along with faculty members Sabnam Ghosh and Younasse Tarbouni.

For questions about the Faculty Reading Community, please contact Dr. Rick Moore at rick.moore@wustl.edu.
