Professional Development in Teaching
Levels of the Program
A breakdown of the various levels and requirements for the professional development in teaching program

The Center for Teaching and Learning’s Professional Development in Teaching Program is designed to allow participants to engage along a number of levels. Participants need not finish requirements in order, but will only receive certification at a level once all requirements for that level and all lower levels are met. Please see further information about each level of engagement below.
With approval, qualifying departmental pedagogy training may take the place of one advanced-level workshop. For more information about what constitutes a qualifying teaching experience, please refer to the “Documenting Teaching Experiences for CTL Programs” handout.
Currently, the Teaching Citation track is only available to graduate students, as this program is co-sponsored by the Graduate School and appears on a transcript.
Community Member Requirements
To achieve the Community Member level, participants must take one Foundations in Teaching (FIT) workshop and three Advanced-Level Workshops with the CTL.
Associate Requirements
To achieve the Associate level, participants must complete all Community Member requirements and take 2 addition Advanced-Level Workshops and have an initial consultation with CTL staff.
Innovator Requirements
There are two different avenues by which participants may achieve the Innovator level: Teaching Citation and Preparation in Pedagogy (PiP).
Teaching Citation
Teaching Citation is co-sponsored by the Washington University Graduate School and is therefore only available to graduate students. Graduate students who complete this track will receive recognition of this achievement on their transcripts. To complete Teaching Citation, participants must complete all requirements of the Associate level and document three qualifying teaching experiences. Participants must also write and revise a teaching philosophy statement with the assistance of CTL staff. One of the three qualifying teaching experiences can be fulfilled through documentation of a research mentorship.
Preparation in Pedagogy (PiP)
The second track, Preparation in Pedagogy (PiP), is available to all graduate students and postdocs. This is designed for those who may have fewer teaching opportunities than those completing Teaching Citation. To complete this track, participants must complete all requirements of the Associate level, document one qualifying teaching experience, take three additional Advanced-Level workshops, and write and revise a teaching philosophy statement with the assistance of CTL staff.
Practitioner Requirements
To achieve the Practitioner level, participants must complete all requirements for Innovator level (either Teaching Citation or Preparation in Pedagogy track) and take the Introduction to SoTL Seminar. This seminar is offered every spring semester and is taught by a member of the CTL staff.
While participants need not have completed all previous levels before taking the SoTL seminar, those interested in taking the seminar must have previously attended three Advanced-Level workshops and should schedule an initial consultation to discuss seminar requirements.
Scholar Requirements
To achieve the Scholar level, participants must complete all requirements for the Practitioner level and implement a SoTL project with mentoring and advising from CTL staff. Those interested in completing the Scholar level should discuss their project and timeline with a member of CTL’s staff prior to the semester implementation is to take place.
To learn more about program requirements, contact the CTL to set up a consultation.

Teaching is not just something you do in the classroom; we all mentor those around us from our peers to students that are just starting within our programs. Development of teaching skills goes beyond the classroom. CTL staff members are always welcoming and willing to guide you through completing the next level of the professional development in teaching.
Nicole Strombom, JD, MPH, CPH / Graduate Fellow, Center for Teaching & Learning