Registration Open for POGIL Summer Workshops

The POGIL Project has announced that registration is open for the POGIL Summer 2016 Regional Workshops.  The Central Region POGIL Workshops will take place July 18–20 at Washington University. The registration deadline is 4/15/2016.

POGIL (Process-Oriented, Guided-Inquiry Learning) takes a student-centered, team-based, active-learning approach in which students learn key concepts and process skills such as collaboration and critical thinking through interaction and discovery.

POGIL workshops are open to instructors across the disciplines and are offered at Introductory, Intermediate, and Advanced levels.  Participants will follow a sequence of sessions (tracks) based on their experience with POGIL methodology and their professional development goals. To find out more and to register, please see

To learn more about POGIL, please see this earlier post on a recent talk by Rick Moog, Director of the POGIL Project.