CTL News

Call for Applicants: Short-Term CTL Grad Student Fellow for the Spring 2023 Graduate Student and Postdoc Reading Community

The CTL is now accepting applications for a short-term Graduate Student Fellow for the Graduate Student Postdoc Reading Community in Spring 2023.

Scope of Work:

The graduate student fellow will assist the CTL in preparation for and facilitation of upcoming Spring 2023 Graduate Student and Postdoc Reading Community.

Primary Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Read chapters from the Spring 2023 Grad Student Reading Community book
  • Discuss chapters with Meg on a weekly/bi-weekly basis ahead of the meetings
  • Draft executive summaries of chapters and work with Meg to design questions for discussion
  • Observe/participate in 3 sessions of the GSPD Reading Community
  • Act as lead facilitator for 3 sessions of the GSPD Reading Community
  • Meet with Meg for follow-up/reflection after Reading Community sessions

Hours of Proposed Work & Compensation:

Compensation is $16 per hour, with approximately 10 hours per week for 12 weeks (February – April 2023)

Required Qualifications:

  • Is an advanced graduate student in their 3rd year or beyond at WashU
  • Has participated significantly in CTL programing beyond required Graduate Student Mentored Teaching Orientation (e.g., Completed Levels in Professional Development in Teaching Program; Taken advanced-level workshops; Participated in EPIC, GSAC, SoTL Seminar, etc.)

Preferred Qualifications:

  • Has taken part in the GSPD Reading Community as a participant before
  • Has experience facilitating classroom discussion
  • Interested in a career that is teaching-focused (where this experience will potentially be helpful on the job market)

To Apply:

Please submit the following information to Dr. Meg Gregory at meggregory@wustl.edu by 5pm on Friday, December 2nd for consideration:

  • Brief letter outlining interest, qualifications, and how you see this opportunity as preparing you for your future career
  • CV