Moments that Define Teaching for Professors
It’s difficult to boil teaching down to a defining moment, but for many instructors, one experience or class has shaped how they instruct students. Professors at various higher ed institutions shared these experiences in a recent article in The Chronicle of Higher Education. For example, Cathy N. Davidson, distinguished professor and founder and director of The Futures Initiative at The Graduate Center, CUNY, discussed an experience teaching at Duke University that prompted her to work collaboratively with students on learning outcomes for a course. Carl Wieman, professor of physics and of the Graduate School of Education at Stanford University, talked about a time when he realized that a clear lecture wasn’t helping students learn so he switched to active learning to improve outcomes. Check out other professors’ responses in the story.
The Chronicle is also looking for feedback from more instructors. Fill out this form if you would like to share a moment that has impacted your work as a teacher.