CIRTL Network Exchange Visit
You are invited to participate in a Washington University CIRTL Network exchange visit The Teaching Center and the Department of Biology are hosting on Monday, July 30th and Tuesday, July 31st.
Dr. Alessandra (Ali) York is from the Department of Genetics at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Originally from the St. Louis area, Ali has been engaged in The Delta Program in Research, Teaching and Learning which promotes the development of a future national faculty in the natural and social sciences, engineering, and mathematics that is committed to implementing and advancing effective teaching practices for diverse student audiences as part of their professional careers.
We invite you to attend Ali’s teaching talk which is entitled, Exploring the Impact of Peer Mentoring on First-Year STEM Students and it will take place on Monday, July 30th at 11am in Umrath Hall 140.
Ali’s research talk is entitled, Fine-Mapping Major Domestication QTL on Chromosome Five in Zea mays and it will take place on Tuesday, July 31st at 1pm in Rebstock Hall 322.
The CIRTL Network Exchange Program is a two- to three-day visit to a host campus within the institutions of the Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL) Network. CIRTL is a network of universities dedicated to improving undergraduate learning in STEM by training future faculty in evidence-based teaching. The program is designed to give CIRTL participants the opportunity to give a Teaching-as-Research or Scholarship of Teaching and Learning presentation and interact with disciplinary colleagues at another CIRTL Network institution.
Please contact Denise Leonard if you have questions about this event.