Course Design Institute for Spring 2020
The Center for Teaching and Learning offers an opportunity to design (or redesign) a course for Spring 2020 through an upcoming Course Design Institute. Participants will meet in-person on January 6, 8, and 10, 2020, from 8:30-11:30 AM. The face-to-face meetings will be supported by online modules and resources in Canvas. Completion of all online modules, attendance at the face-to-face meetings, and submission of a revised syllabus at the conclusion of the institute are required for successful completion of this institute.
Topics include:
Identifying situational factors that impact the course
Introduction to backward design
Creating a thematic structure for the course
Writing effective learning goals
Designing powerful assignments
Developing a grading system
Assessing student learning
Participants will receive a copy of “Creating Significant Learning Experiences” by Dee Fink. Breakfast will be served at in-person meetings.
Visit the institute’s registration page for more information. For questions regarding the institute, please contact Dr. Eric Fournier, Director of Academic Services, The Teaching Center.