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  • Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences
  • STEM Pedagogies Workshop

Responding to Student Writing


Dr. Elina Salminen, Assistant Director for Educational Development

  • 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm
  • via Zoom

Event Description

As AIs and instructors, we dedicate many hours each semester to commenting on and evaluating student writing, but is this feedback helping students to improve their writing and critical thinking skills the way that we want it to? In this workshop, we’ll draw on writing pedagogy scholarship to confront the challenges associated with providing effective feedback to a variety of student learners as well as to identify strategies for developing a readerly approach to responding to our students’ writing. Further, we’ll discuss the kinds of feedback that might be most helpful to students at different stages (planning, drafting, revising) of the writing process. Finally, we’ll discuss a few strategies for encouraging your students to interact productively with your written feedback.

If you have questions about this advanced pedagogies workshop, contact Elina Salminen.

