How to Download your Media

  1. Go to your My Media tab and click on the edit (pencil) icon next to the media you wanna download:
  2. Go to the Downloads tab, check the “Source” box and then hit save:
  3. Go back to your My Media tab, click on the desired media, click on the Download tab and hit the download button:
  • Go to your My Media tab, click on the desired media, go to the Share tab and copy the provided link to send out:

↳ You can pick the Start and/or End points by checking the respective boxes and either entering the time manually or clicking the icon to start/end at the current time your video is on.

How to Embed Your Media

  • Go to your My Media tab, click on the desired media, go to the Share tab then Embed tab and copy the embed link provided to paste on a different page:

Embedding any media will override any access levels restricted and make it public to the world.

           ↳ You can pick the Start and/or End points by checking the respective boxes and either entering the time manually or clicking the icon to start/end at the current time your video is on.

↳ You can change the Player Size by clicking on your desired dimensions.

Channels & Galleries

Another way to organize and share your media is by creating a Channel or a Gallery for it. You simply need to copy the url associated with it and send it to your audience.

A gallery will function as a category on the WashU MediaSpace site. It will appear as a tab on the page’s main header and can only be created by an admin on an as-needed basis. For more information on galleries, please email us at

A channel is a collection of content curated by a subset of users. Channels can be created by any users by following these steps:

  1. Click on your name on the top right corner of the screen and click on My Channels.

  2. Click on “Create Channel”:
  3. Fill out the required information and then hit save.

Make sure to pick a privacy level that matches your needs.

You can add users to your channel either to share the content with a specific set of users or to give them different permissions on content management within the channel. To add users to your channel:

  1. Go to My Channels, hover over the desired channel and click on the edit (pencil) icon:
  2. Go to the Users tab and then click on “Add Users”:
  3. Type in the member username, pick a role for them and then hit add:
    Member: View channel content only.
    Contributor: View channel content and add media to the channel.
    Moderator: View channel content, add media to the channel, and moderate channel content.
    Manager: View channel content, add media to the channel, moderate channel content, and manage the channel (delegate managerial rights to additional users).

To add media to your channel:

  1. Go to My Channels, click on the desired channel, navigate to the media and then click “Add to Channel”:
  2. Click the checkbox next to the media you want to add and then hit “Publish”: