The Project Manager for the WSB project will work closely with the WSB Project Team [e.g. WSB faculty, staff, and administrators; staff at the Center for Integrative Research on Cognition, Learning, and Education (CIRCLE)] to design, develop, and implement evaluations of a broad range of curricular innovations that comprise the WSB project. This position is supported by a four year grant from the Wisconsin School of Business at the University of Wisconsin-Madison and will be located in CIRCLE at Washington University in St. Louis. This position is a full-time, time-limited (4-year) position. Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until position is filled.
To apply, please go to, search for position #33867, and submit a cover letter, cv, and a list of three professional references.
Major Responsibilities:
- Managing day-to-day logistics, coordination, and administration of the WSB projects, in coordination with the WSB faculty, staff, administrators, and CIRCLE staff.
- Directing and designing research studies on curricular innovations by applying knowledge of social-science research methods, in collaboration with the WSB project team.
- Directing the evaluation of all programs and curricular innovations associated with the WSB Project in collaboration with the WSB project team.
- Developing protocols for the collection and analysis of data, with special emphasis on developing, analyzing, and interpreting surveys and survey data, and qualitative analysis and interpretation of interview transcript data.
- Work independently with non-experimental data that require statistical control of extraneous variables, instructor variables, and student variables.
- Work with CIRCLE staff to communicate statistical models and research study results to WSB faculty, staff, and administrators.
- Work with the WSB Project team to write, present, and communicate statistical models and research results for peer-reviewed publications.
Required Qualifications
- PhD in a social science or business field.
- A solid foundation of 2-3 years of experience conducting social-science or business research methodology/design, including development of evaluation instruments and surveys.
- Knowledge of standard protocols for conducting human-subject research, including IRB-approved protocols for protecting the confidentiality and privacy of participants in behavioral/educational research.
- Excellent organizational skills, including the ability to coordinate and manage multiple, simultaneous research projects.
- Excellent written and oral communication skills, including the ability to interact with research personnel at various levels of responsibility (faculty, staff, students, and administrators).
- Ability to conduct reviews of current literature.
- Ability to manage and complete multiple time-sensitive projects.
- Ability to work independently and collaboratively, as part of a team of faculty and staff from multiple universities and centers.
- Willingness to build new areas of expertise, including knowledge of business pedagogies and approaches and of methods for evaluating the effectiveness of these approaches.
Preferred Qualifications
- Experience designing evaluative studies in higher education.
- Excellent data-management and organizational skills, including attention to detail and sensitivity to data quality. Proficiency in Microsoft Access and Excel.
- Experience in applying appropriate statistical techniques to a range of experimental, quasi-experimental and correlational research designs, with a strong command of statistical analysis and statistical software, such as SAS, SPSS, or R.
- Excellent critical-thinking and analytical skills.