PowerNotes Premium available to WashU Instructors
Washington University students, faculty, and staff now have premium access to PowerNotes, a research-based tool that supports digital reading and writing. Learn more about how to use PowerNotes in your teaching.
The PowerNotes Extension is a research and note-taking tool designed to unify the steps of reading, gathering, saving, annotating, organizing, outlining, tracking, and citing research into a single, efficient workflow that feeds directly into the writing process. Features include:
- Highlight, annotate, and add notes to almost any website or pdf
- Capture source information and metadata for citations automatically
- Organize content using topics and projects
- Easily view and edit all content in browser sidebar
- Bookmark pages to read later
- Add images and top level notes to projects
- Share projects with collaborators for their comments
- Get a summary view of content on the project dashboard
- Download content in project as outlines in .docx or .xlsx form
- Access to research and design behind PowerNotes
- Video tutorials and workshops for instructors
- Administered and supported by the CTL
How do I Start Using PowerNotes?
- Install the PowerNotes Chrome extension (also works in the Microsoft Edge browser) or Firefox extension
- Sign in with your WUSTL email account to get access to the WashU institutional account for unlimited projects. If you used a different email, follow these steps to link your WUSTL email.
- To enable (or disable) the extension, click on the “P” icon in the extension tray in the upper right navigation section of your browser window
- Use “Feedback” link for support and to report technical issues
- See the CTL PowerNotes resource for tutorials and ideas for how to use PowerNotes
Who Should I Talk with to Learn More?
The staff at the Center for Teaching and Learning would love to help you brainstorm ways to use this tool effectively in your teaching.
For a brief one-on-one tour of PowerNotes or a brainstorming session about potential productive uses in your teaching, please contact Dr. Sally Wu (sallywu@wustl.edu) or the PowerNotes team representative, Kyle Zegarac at Kyle@powernotes.com or (708) 217-7663).