Registration Open for Spring 2022 SoTL Seminar
Registration is now open for the Spring 2022 SoTL Seminar.
The Introduction to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL) seminar is designed to support graduate students and postdocs who are interested in deepening their involvement in and understanding of educational research. Half of the seminar meetings are synchronous on Zoom and half of the meetings involve asynchronous activities and discussions on Canvas.
In this seminar, students are introduced to the fundamentals of SoTL through reading current literature, participating in online discussion boards, engaging in classroom discussion, and active learning experiences. Students will gain knowledge of, and experience in, the various stages of conducting a SoTL project including the initial articulation of a classroom-based research question, determination of the appropriate research methods to answer this question, ethical considerations that are relevant to conducting classroom research, considerations of potential outcomes of the proposed study, and sharing results. This seminar culminates in a written project proposal and oral presentation to the members of the seminar and invited guests as well as a poster presentation at the annual Center for Teaching and Learning Recognition Reception. Through this seminar students gain an understanding of the field of SoTL and reflect on ways that SoTL can be incorporated into their future teaching experiences as faculty.
Akilah Collins-Anderson, a PhD student in Public Health Sciences, described her experience as a participant in last year’s seminar. “I found the SoTL seminar very hands-on and thought-provoking. While there is a lot of content to cover, the pacing of the seminar was manageable, and the instructors did an exceptional job. As a semester-long seminar the feedback and discussions with the other participants was also rewarding and encouraging. At the end of each session, I was left inspired and feeling more confident about the direction of my own SoTL research area.”
The Introduction to SoTL course is a component of the Practitioner level of the Center for Teaching and Learning’s Professional Development in Teaching Program. Graduate students and postdocs are eligible to take this seminar if they have attended 3 or more Advanced-level workshops offered by The Center for Teaching and Learning.
This year’s seminar is being co-facilitated by Shaina Rowell and Rick Moore. The exact meeting time for the biweekly synchronous meetings will be determined in consolation with seminar participants.