Getting Started

  • To wake the Portable Smart Board up, simply touch the screen and you will be met with this interface:

  • Click on “Files” to access any files in the Smart Board.
    • To add files, connect your USB device to the side of the monitor:

    • You will then click on “switch” when prompted:

    • You will then be able to access your files by clicking on them.
      • Greyed out files are not supported by the board.

  • Click on “Apps” to access the apps available.

  • Click on “Screen Share” to share content on the screen.

  • Click on “Input” to change inputs.
    • You can plug in your device to the side of the board:

    • You will then click “switch” when prompted and your device will start being displayed on the screen:

  • On the side of the board, you will also find power, volume, pause and input buttons:

White Board Feature

  • To access the “Whiteboard” feature, click on “Whiteboard”:

    • There will be 4 pens and an eraser available to you:

    • Simply use the pen and eraser as you would on a regular whiteboard:

  • Clicking on the pen icon in the whiteboard function will allow for customization of the pen such as colors, thickness and switching to highlight mode:

    • You can also use the type function to convert handwritten words into typing by clicking on the select icon (), selecting the word and then clicking on the “Aa” icon ():

  • Clicking on the add image icon will allow you to add images either from the web or from the board’s picture gallery:

  • Clicking on the widgets icon will allow you to add widgets to the board:

  • Clicking on the new page icon will allow you to add a page, either blank or from templates:

    • You can manage your pages by deleting them, changing their background, or changing their size by clicking on the page manager icon:

  • By clicking on the sharing icon, you can allow your students to add things to the whiteboard by following the instructions on the screen:

Browser Feature

  • You can access the web browser function by clicking on the “Browser” icon:

  • From there, you’ll be able to type in any site you’d like to be displayed by either using the touch screen keyboard or the wireless keyboard available in the class:

    • To turn the wireless keyboard on, flip the on/off switch located on the side:
      • Make sure to turn if off after use.

    • You can switch out batteries by opening the battery socket on the back: