Teaching Resources

EdTech Tools: Overview

Resource Overview

An introduction to educational technology tools that support student learning.

Regardless of where class takes place (online, in-person, or some combination of the two), it’s useful to consider what resources are available to support student learning. Over the last ten years, there has been a proliferation of so-called “EdTech” resources that have been created to assist instructors’ pedagogical practices. We have compiled short profiles on a number of such tools that instructors may find useful in their college-level teaching. Profiles are grouped around pedagogical use:

It is important to note here at the outset that the latest technological tools do not always make for the best pedagogical practices. Strong pedagogy starts with specific learning goals for students, not with the shiniest, newest app. Further, instructors should consider the cognitive load involved in students being asked to learn a new tool along with new content. Finally, instructors should not take it for granted that all college students are “digital natives” who have equal access to all EdTech products.

We encourage instructors to always reflect on whether a new tool is necessary to achieve course learning goals and whether all students will have equal access to the tool. Let these answers be the guiding force in your choice to adopt or not.

Our team is available to talk about pedagogical uses and consideration for using these or other EdTech tools. Please feel free to reach out to our Educational Development team through our consultation request form.

Using an EdTech tool that we haven’t profiled yet? Let us know through ctl@wustl.edu and we can add a profile about it!