![National Humanites Center Logo](https://ctl.wustl.edu/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/NationalHumanitiesCenter_Website-800x533.jpg)
Virtual Residency Opportunity for Grad Students with the National Humanities Center
Meaningful Teaching and Learning in the Humanities Classroom Virtual Residency with the National Humanities Center
July 11 – July 15 2022
The National Humanities Center offers a wide variety of experiences for graduate students in the humanities. This five-day, virtual residency will model best practices for undergraduate teaching in the humanities classroom. Our focus will be on effective instructional strategies that can be modified for an in-person, a virtual, or a hybrid classroom. Graduate student cohorts will interact and learn from university professionals, and participants will also have opportunities to work with each other through interactive sessions and projects. The program will not simply be a series of Zoom meetings, although there will be live events scheduled. Instead, we will construct an online learning environment that features design principles students can directly apply to their teaching experiences specifically for the humanities classroom.
The Center for Teaching and Learning is proud to announce that we will sponsor four graduate students from WashU to attend the residency this summer. All PhD students in their second year and beyond in a humanities department at WashU are invited to apply. Preference will be given to graduate students who are furthest along in their programs and who have engaged with the CTL outside of Teaching Orientation. Participants will be expected to work together to craft a blog post for our website about the experience upon completion.
Interested graduate students should submit a CV and letter explaining interest in the program to Dr. Meg Gregory at meggregory@wustl.edu by Friday, March 4th for full consideration. Please feel free to contact Dr. Gregory with questions.