POGIL Takes Center Stage at Presidential Debate
Thanks to a keen-eyed student who works in CIRCLE, Vitoria Gaboardi (2019), we have proof that POGIL is central to democratic STEM education!
Reprinted from the fall edition of the POGIL newsletter:
Where in the World is the POGIL Water Bottle?
The POGIL water bottle made an appearance at the second presidential debate at Washington University in St. Louis.
The bottle wants to remind everyone to get out and vote! We are asking you to send us a picture of your POGIL water bottle wherever you may be to show the POGIL community the wide-ranging scope of our unique pedagogy (and our really cool bottle.)
Let’s see how many places we can reach. Send your photo or video of your water bottle to Marcy Dubroff at mdubroff@pogil.org. Photo courtesy of Vitoria Gaboardi.